“Learning Data Structures and Algorithm.”

Alwaz Qazi
2 min readOct 21, 2019

Welcome to my first ever blog guys. hope you’ll like it!

It’s been a week since the beginning of Second year, and we had three classes of Data Structures and Algorithm till now and before starting to learn Data Structures we revised the basic concepts of OOP such as class, Objects, data types etc and covered the main features of OOP which are Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Inheritance.

1: Polymorphism:As it is understandable by name that one name having many forms, similarly in OOP many forms of a single object is called polymorhism.There are two types of Polymorphism; Funtion Overloading and Function Overriding

Function Overloading:Type of Polymorphism which means methods having same name but different functionality it is also called compile time polymorphism because it’ll generate error at compile time if there’s any problem in it.

Function Overriding:Another way of achieving polymorphism is called run time polymorphism because it decides which method to be override at runtime.

2: Inheritance: Inheritance allows you to define a very general class and then later define more specialized classes that add some new details to the existing general class definition.

3:Encapsulation: Hidding data is basically what Encasulation is about it is use to make data secure and efficent.

Apart from revision we learned some new things such as Composition, Aggregation, String, String Buffer etc and one thing which I personally liked and didn’t knew before was that “main method can also be overridded”.

That’s what we learned so far in these three classes and I wrote this blog because our respected teacher gave us this as an assignment and its a really fun and unique idea to make students write about what they learn this will improve our writing skills which is very important. I enjoyed writing my first ever blog and will be writing very often now to improve my writing and learning skills.



Alwaz Qazi
Alwaz Qazi

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