Basic tags of HTML.

Alwaz Qazi
3 min readFeb 21, 2021


“Hypertext Markup Language” HTML is the basic building block of any website you see. HTML is used to create the basic structure aka skeleton of a website, all the content available on a webpage is enclosed in HTML tags. There are different tags for a different types of content.

Below is the detailed guide to Basic HTML tags.

An HTML tag begins with an opening” <” and closing “/>” tag and content is written in between.

Within <head> we have <title> tag which is used to display title of our website.

This is where title will appear

Then we have <body> </body> this is where all the content of the webpage is written within a particular tag.

We begin our journey by first creating a heading tag. HTML provides with 6 heading sizes from


As you can see h1 having the highest priority whereas h6 having the lowest. The heading tags are block elements that take up the entire width and have a new line before and after them.

Next, we have Paragraph tag <p> and as the name suggests it is used to write paragraphs.

Dummy Paragraph written in paragraph tags appeared on website

If you want to create lists in your website. Then HTML provide two types of list

Ordered list

Unordered list

Then we have another special tag if you want to create a link between two pages. That is the anchor tag.

<a href=”link you want to add.”</a>

Then comes the <img > tag, it’s a self-closing tag that is used to add images to your website.

src=” the path of image” alt=” Text displayed if picture not visible.”.

image on website.

This was all about basic html tags. also if you want to know the story of above meme then you can check out this blog of mine “HTML is not a programming language”.



Alwaz Qazi
Alwaz Qazi

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