HTML is not a Programming Language…But why??

Alwaz Qazi
2 min readFeb 18, 2021


If you’re learning HTML you might have come across these types of memes.

But have you ever wondered why HTML is not a programming language? If yes, then this blog will clear your confusion and you’ll be able to find humor in those memes.

HTML for the most part is a static text that is rendered through a program. It can be generated by any programming language but, it is not a programming language because it doesn’t have any loops, conditional statements such as If/else, case statements, variables like other programming languages. There are elements inside HTML that look like variables to some extent but they’re not variables.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) as the name says itself “HyperText” is a text that is used to ceate a link between different pages.

For example: Link to another blog.

whereas “Markup language” refers to the way tags(leaving this for another blog) are used to define the layout and elements within the page.

Difference between Programming Language and Markup Language

Programming Language:

· It is a set of logical instructions provided to the computer to perform tasks

· It is compiled and interpreted before execution.

· The Source code is converted into machine language then proceed for execution.

· Computer hardware is responsible for executing the code.

Examples: Java, C++, JavaScript, C#, Ruby, Php and Python are (Scripting language) etc.

Markup languages:

· It does not use any logical statements.

· It does not need to be compiled but just interpreted by the browser.

· Use to present browser information.

· When a page is displayed Markup language is not shown, it is only used to format the text.

These are some of the examples of Markup languages.

HTML, xHTML, · XML etc

